SD73 Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education and District Staff Engages in an All Chiefs’ and Councils’ Dinner
On December 7, 2023, representatives from local First Nations communities gathered for a meal (Kukpi7 Lynn Kenoras-Duck Chief, Adams Lake Indian Band; Councillor Mindy Dick, Neskonlith; Councillor Sandy LeBourdais, Whispering Pines/Clinton Band, Councillor Sunny LeBourdais, Whispering Pines/Clinton Band; Councillor Tina Donald (Simpcw) with the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education (Board Chair Heather Grieve, Vice Chair Rhonda Kershaw, Trustees Cole Hickson, Diane Jules, Jo Kang, Kathleen Karpuk, Cara McKelvey, John O’Fee, Shelley Sim), and District staff (Superintendent Rhonda Nixon, Secretary Treasurer Trina Cassidy, Assistant Superintendents Bill Hamblett, Vessy Mochikas, and Grant Reilly; District Principal Mike Bowden). Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc, Skeetchestn Indian Band, and Skwláx te Secwepemcúlecw sent their regrets due to prior commitments.
Trustee Jules, who is also from the Adams Lake Band and the Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council, welcomed everyone to the Secwepemc territory, specifically the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation. She explained that the Henry Grube Education Centre is located is near the traditional gathering place where Secwépemc people met. She offered a prayer to ground the community gathering. She discussed the importance of coming together to learn more about the land, traditions, culture, and each other.
Board Chair Grieve offered the Board’s gratitude for this opportunity to gather. Board Chair Grieve and Vice Chair Kershaw gave blankets on behalf of the Board to express appreciation for our ongoing partnership. It was a beautiful time of sharing, learning, and building relationships in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation.
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