Kamloops-Thompson School District Welcomes Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board of Education - Chelsey Boissonneault

Posted On Thursday January 11, 2024

The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education welcomes Ms. Chelsey Boissonneault as the successful candidate for the role of Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board of Education.

“We are looking forward to working with Chelsey who has extensive experience as an executive assistant and secretary to councils, boards, and executive staff within the Kamloops-Thompson region and the Northern region of BC,” said Board Chair Heather Grieve.

Ms. Boissonneault identifies as Métis (Plains Cree and Treaty 7), a western European settler with mixed Indigenous ancestry living on the unceded territory of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Nation who was born and raised in Kamloops and returned 11 years ago to work and play in our beautiful region.

She has 15 years of combined experience as an administrative assistant. She recently served as executive and planning assistant with board and council secretarial duties for the Thompson-Nicola Regional District and provided coordination and administrative support for Development Services, Community Policing and Civic Operations for the City of Kamloops.

“I look forward to working with Ms. Boissonneault who has had an accomplished career and references indicating that she is highly collaborative and professional,” shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.

"I am honoured to be selected for this role as the Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board," Ms. Boissonneault said. "I look forward to working collaboratively with such an ambitious, responsible, and forward-thinking group of professionals to help foster the well-being of our community and support opportunities for growth and learning in safe environments that encourage students to thrive."

Ms. Boissonneault begins her appointment on January 15, 2024.

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