Kamloops-Thompson School District breaks ground on Sníne Elementary
Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration
On Monday, June 3, 2024, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education marked the start of construction on Sníne Elementary School with an official Groundbreaking Ceremony.
Sníne Elementary, the Kamloops-Thompson’s newest school, will be located in Pineview Valley. This school has been a priority for the District since 2014-2015, due to notable enrollment growth and space pressures in nearby schools.
Following a recent public consultation process, the school was named Sníne Elementary. Sníne, the Secwépemc word for owl, symbolizes strength, wisdom, and guidance. The naming committee and consultation process included voices from Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Chief and Council, the District Aboriginal Education Council, employee executive groups, the District Parent Advisory Council, parents, community partners, and students.
“We are proud that Sníne Elementary is the first Secwepemctsín school name in our District,” shares Board Chair Heather Grieve. “The Board is committed to Truth and Reconciliation and ensuring that every person is included and is able to thrive personally and culturally. Sníne Elementary represents one of many important steps in our work towards Truth and Reconciliation.”
In May 2021, the Ministry of Education and Child Care supported the District in proceeding to the Project Definition Report and on February 22, 2023, the Board received funding to build this new elementary school. The Ministry of Education and Child Care have provided $65.3 million in funding for Sníne Elementary.
The school was designed by Chilliwack-based Station One Architects, and on April 22, 2024, the Board awarded the contract for the building of the new elementary school to Yellowridge Construction. Construction starting on this new elementary school is a significant step towards serving the District’s growing needs. With an opening capacity of 453 students from Kindergarten to Grade 7, Sníne Elementary will serve the needs of local families and help alleviate pressure on over-capacity schools in the southwest area of Kamloops.
“Our mission in the Kamloops-Thompson School District is to support learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive, and I know this beautiful new school will inspire hundreds of students and their families,” shares Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.
Located near Python Lake and surrounded by nature, the school’s location opens up many opportunities for land-based learning and unique outdoor education opportunities.
The Sníne Elementary Groundbreakign Ceremony started with guests embarking on a school bus ride through the Pineview Valley neighborhood to the groundbreaking site. Once on site, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Knowledge Keeper Jackie Jules shared an inspiring welcome and joined the SKSS student drumming group in sharing the Welcome Song and Honour Song.
At the event, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Tkwenem7íple7 Councilor Morning-Star Peters shared: “Sníne was recommended by some of our Elders… On behalf of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Chief and Council, we are absolutely thankful for involving us in this process. This is going to set the bar high for other municipalities and other school districts to work with their local First Nations as well.”
This momentous event marked an important milestone for the Kamloops-Thompson School District, as the first school groundbreaking in over a decade.
Sníne Elementary School is expected to open in Fall 2026.
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