Financial Literacy for Your Kids - Virtual Webinar
Posted On Monday November 15, 2021
Trades and Transitions is hosting a parent workshop on financial literacy for students on November 25 at 7 PM via Zoom.
Presented by Kevin Maynard, Vice President and COO at the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, this financial literacy webinar will offer an overview of resources to support parents and caregivers and introduce financial literacy concepts to their children.
The workshop will provide a tool kit that parents can use to help build financial literacy capabilities for their students.
In this session, you will learn:
- About free activity guides and lesson plans you can use to reinforce learning that is occurring in your child's school in a wide variety of subject areas
- How to access free online resources around money management, planning for your future, and career exploration for high school kids
- The most requested financial information and topics asked about by youth and the free resources you can use to help address these topics with them
- Tips and tricks to help with time management and how you can better balance assisting your child with learning and your own work schedule.
To register for this webinar, click here.
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