Coordinator Café - Professional Learning Conversations
SD73 is focused on continuing to improve students’ life chances to thrive socially, emotionally, academically, and physically. Hattie (2013) had researched factors correlated to student success and found that professional learning supported collective teacher efficacy, which had a very high effect size rating (1.52). School leaders continually inquire into how best to support teacher efficacy.
One primary way to offer professional learning to staff in our district is through district coordinators. On March 2, 2023, Districts coordinators and resource teachers met with principals and vice-principals following the March School Leaders’ Meeting. Representatives from Aboriginal Education, Career Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Inclusive Education, Student Completion, and Trades and Transitions shared information on resources, strategies and professional learning with school leaders.
This session not only connected administrators to our district teacher leaders, it also provided an opportunity for discussions about student data and next steps to support student learning. The positive reviews of this event validated the need to keep connected and to continue to share our stories about learning across the district.
“We have such a great resource of expertise within our own district. I am always amazed at how these teams make a difference in classrooms across our district and share lessons and resources in sessions offered in unique ways–online, lunch and learns, school sessions, and district professional development,” shared Director Lisa Carson.
“I am very excited to see the great learning coming from these discussions, and I look forward to how they grow into conversations in schools to support student learning,” stated Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly.
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