Girls Exploring Trades and Technology

Posted On Friday November 10, 2023

On November 9, 2023, girls in grades 6-9 from SD73’s North Shore and North Thompson schools gathered at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) for the fifth annual Girls Exploring Trades and Technology (GETT).

“GETT is a key annual event within the Career Development Department, reflecting our goal for students to graduate, know who they are, and have plans for who they aim to become,” said Assistant Superintendent Hamblett. “This aligns with our core values including equity as outlined in the District Strategic Plan 2022-2027. Traditionally, only four to five percent of tradespeople in Canada are women. Through events like GETT, we are exposing students to a variety of career opportunities from a young age.”

The GETT students completed mini projects in four trades. This year they worked in Electrical, Piping, Refrigeration, and Horticulture. Senior trades students from NorKam Senior Secondary School Trades Sampler and TRU Youth Train In Trades programs, many of whom participated in GETT when they were younger, join the day as mentors for the younger students. Trades Samplers and Youth Train in Trades are Career Programs open to all students across the District.

"In the Trades Sampler program, students spend a semester at NorKam Senior Secondary School, where they have the opportunity to explore four different trades taught by TRU's Red Seal Instructors,” said Director of Instruction Kienlein. “Grade 12 students attend the Youth Train in Trades program at TRU. This dual-credit program allows them to earn both high school and post-secondary credits as they pursue their trades education."

Events like GETT rely heavily on community partnerships to provide such valuable hands-on experiences. Thompson Rivers University invites us to their space and provides the instructors. Female tradeswomen from Acres Enterprises, BC Hydro, New Afton, Canada Rig Mats and Interior Plumbing and Heating joined us for a “Ladies Lunch and Learn,” sharing their experiences as Women in Trades. One of the Tradeswomen, Olivia Tranah, is a SD73 Grad, who completed a Trades Sampler and a Foundation Program through SD73 and is now an Apprentice Welder. The other guest panelists are highly skilled women of industry, holding multiple tickets and certifications. Acres Enterprises made sure all the girls were safe by providing the personal protective equipment.

District Coordinator Brown shared, “It was a fabulous and fun-filled day, where young women saw themselves and built a sense of place on a post-secondary campus and in trades.”

Thank you to District Coordinator Brown for sharing the details of the Girls Exploring Trades and Technology event.

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