Vancouver Public Education Alliance-Collaboration about International Education
VPEA (Vancouver Public Education Alliance) from China has been working with the SD73 Business Company Global Education Director Kristin Engleson on the 2+1 program since 2012. On December 8th, Jo Cheng (Director of Operations), Krissy Yang (Regional Director) and Jessie Yang (Student Service Coordinator) met with Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Secretary-Treasurer Trina Cassidy, Assistant Superintendent Bill Hamblett and International Student Program staff. VPEA staff also visited each of their current thirty-seven students attending Norkam (14), Westsyde (9) and South Kamloops Secondary (14).
In the 2 + 1 program, international students study BC courses online taught by BC certified teachers for two years (Grades 10 and 11) in their home countries. Then they study for one year (Grade 12) in Kamloops. Since the first students graduated in 2016, almost 300 VPEA students have received their BC Graduation Diploma from Kamloops schools.
“The partnership that the school district has with VPEA epitomizes the school district core value of Well-Being,” noted District Principal of International Education, Kent Brewer. “Students are supported socially, emotionally and academically prior to arriving in Kamloops, during their time in our city and upon departure. The wrap-around support that students receive from VPEA, their school’s student body and staff, as well as the International Student Program and SD 73 Business Company Global Education staff, allows students to comfortably adapt to their new surroundings while pursuing academic excellence.”
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