Register for School
Register Your Child in Our School District:
Use your home address to find your catchment school with School Locator and School Boundaries Map tools.
Complete the Student Enrolment Form.
Mail or visit the school with your completed Student Enrolment Form. You can find a list of school addresses here.
Registration for your neighbourhood school is based on catchment boundaries. If you are unsure where to register, enter your physical address in the School Locator or contact the School Board Office at 250-374-0679.
To learn more about Schools of Choice and Kindergarten registration, please explore below.
Register Your Child for Kindergarten
Schools of Choice - Kindergarten - CLOSED
- Common Q & A’s for Schools of Choice Kindergarten Registration are available here.
- Explore the Welcome to Kindergarten Handbook
School of Choice options:
FRENCH IMMERSION: SD73 has a well-established Kindergarten through grade 12 French immersion program (catchment applies)
Welcome to French Immersion Kindergarten Handbook
LEARNING THROUGH THE ARTS: Dance, drama, music, singing, and visual arts are integrated into academic instruction to allow students to learn through the arts. This program is offered Kindergarten to grade 12
MONTESSORI: This Kindergarten to grade 6 Montessori program offers a prepared environment allowing children to become increasingly independent, choose their own work, and learn at their own pace. Montessori offers a research style of learning in curriculum areas
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Students from Kindergarten to grade 6 work on large, meaningful questions with teachers and other mentors, including practicing scientists. Students are encouraged to become involved in complex issues through an integrated curriculum
Catchment Schools Registration
Kindergarten Registration week for the 2025-2026 school year was February 3 – 7, 2025. If you still need to register your child for Kindergarten, please follow this registration process:
Registration process:
- Find your catchment school using the School Locator and School Boundaries Map tools.
- Complete Student Enrolment Form and provide it to your school or pick up a registration package from your catchment school.
- Parents will be required to provide child's care card, proof of address, child's birth certificate, and custody agreement if applicable
- Registration packages for students with an older sibling will have been sent home with that sibling in early 2025 (BY REQUEST only). Return completed forms to school with siblings.
- If you have questions, please contact the school directly to book an appointment.
- If you are unsure where to register, contact the School Board Office at 250-374-0679.
Parents are strongly encouraged to register children for Kindergarten during Kindergarten Registration Week.
To learn more about Kindergarten in SD73:
- Explore the Welcome to Kindergarten Handbook
- Explore the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Kindergarten Registration here.
Watch the Kindergarten Information Night presentation from January 29, 2025:
Schools of Choice Registration Week - CLOSED
Registration week for Schools of choice was January 20-24, 2025. For details on Schools of Choice, read more here.
Registration process (January 2025):
Pick up a registration package from your School of Choice. Return completed forms to school by 12 PM on January 24, 2025.
Parents will be required to provide child's care card, proof of address, child's birth certificate, and custody agreement if applicable
Registration packages for students with an older sibling will be sent home with that sibling (BY REQUEST only). Return completed forms to school with siblings.
If you have questions, please contact the school directly to book an appointment.
Registration is NOT first come, first served. If there are more children registered than there are seats at the School of Choice, a random draw will be held.
All procedures for the collection and storing of kindergarten registration information by District employees follows the provisions set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Read more here.
Other Registrations
For families with older students wishing to explore registration in a School of Choice, or for those who are new to the school district, contact the school directly to register your child.
Please refer to School District No. 73 Administrative Procedure 305 School Boundaries and Student Transfer Requests and Administrative Procedure 306 Schools of Choice, French Immersion, and Academies for clarification regarding school boundaries and enrolment in Schools of Choice, French Immersion, or Academies.
If your child is currently enroled in their catchment school and you wish to apply for a transfer to another school, please fill out a Student Transfer Request.
If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 250-374-0679.
Parents are encouraged to go to their child’s catchment school for regular, face-to-face, full-time instruction. As with every school year, online and homeschooling program options are available to students. To enroll in online or home school programs, students will be required to transfer out of their current school.
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