Holiday Stories
On Thursday, December 8, Chase secondary hosted a community dinner for staff, students and community members. With help from our foods classes, a beautiful dinner was served by our local Chase Heat hockey team. “Students enjoyed a full dinner, prizes, and some activities to get into the Christmas season,” said Greg Gartrell, principal of Chase secondary. We were honoured to have trustee Diane Jules in attendance and other community guests, including our mayor David Lepsoe, counsellor Jane Herman, Rob Mathew principal of Chief Atahm, and former principal Doug Everett.
A big thanks to everyone who made this happen and the Chase Heat for coming out to serve the meal.
KSA has been having some fun creating a Whoville Grinch theme the past two weeks.
Each day on the announcements we've been telling a KSA version of the Grinch story. KSA artists have been designing Character sketches of the Grinch to try and catch the mean old fella. The students have also been designing Grinch traps to try and catch him. Our staff have been encouraging students to show random acts of kindness and they've been earning "Grinch hearts" to try and grow the Grinch's heart.
Friday the story will be complete and the Grinch along with Cindy Lou Hou will be leading a Christmas sing along around the school.
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