ISP South Kamloops Secondary

About South Kamloops Secondary

Ecole Secondaire South Kamloops Secondary (SKSS), is a dual track school offering programs in both English and French Immersion.

In addition to academic courses, SKSS offers arts education, music, trades and transitions and practical arts programs, view SKSS Course Selection Website. These include classes in the region's Aboriginal territory language of Secwepemc, Japanese, robotics, environmental sciences, theatre production, leadership, jazz band, photography, carpentry and joinery, pottery and clay, human performance and automotive studies.

At SKSS, extra-curricular programs and clubs include soccer, volleyball, football, basketball, rugby, tennis, and golf. Many of these are offered during our lunch hour intramural programs.  There are more than 20 school clubs pursuing a wide range of interests on our campus.

The SKSS Titans athletics program has a storied history in competition both locally and at the provincial level.

South Kamloops Secondary website

Photo Gallery: ISP SKSS will appear here on the public site.
Student and Staff Population Summary:

Total Population: Approximately 1,000  |  International Students: 50  |  Administrators: 3  |  Teachers: 55  |  Support Staff: 16



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